Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hinduism & its geography in ancient time

For immemorial times, Indian Sages (eg., Munni, Rishi etc) had been wondering about every thing under the blue sky and cronicled their observations & wisdoms in various books & journals such as VEDAS, UPANISHADS etc. They had a huge knowledge of the universe having first hand exposure to the night sky with lots of planets, stars and milky ways. I had been wondering a lot :

"How is that Indian Sages were NOT aware of the existence of other continents in earth while their knowledge of the heavenly bodies were simply immense with out the help of tools such as telescope?"

Just consider a few facts:-

At the time of making a 'SANKALAP' for a religious ceremony, one recites , as for example, "I so and so, son of so and so and of such 'Gotra' residing in "Jammu Depayey" (= Indian subcontinent) bharat khandey (=INDIA) more specifically in such & such places etc intend to do this or that etc etc ". So the Sages were aware of the geography of the subcontinental India. It will not be out of place to mention that modern geologists consider that a fragment from the African continent drifted away and eventually merged into the Asian continent pushing up the great Himalayas in the process. As such, it was an island in the meanwhile. Is this the reason for their describing our motherland a Depayey?

Story of the cutting of the dead body of SATI by Vishnu's sudarshan chakra is too well known to be revisited. How is that the body got scattered all over BHARAT and not any where else? We may recall that 51 peeths associated with Sati is within subcontinental India - Hinglaj (presently in Baluchistan, Pakistan) in the west & some places (in Bangla Desh & Burma) in the east, and Dakshini (near the Mt Kailash, Tibet, China) in the north & Indrakschi (in Sri Lanka) in the south are just a few places outside modern India.

At the end of great wars between Pandavas & Kaurabhs, the Pandavas went in search of salvation in the region of Badri dham; it was considered that SWARGA is situated somewhere there - Mt Swarga Rohini is the name of a peak beyond Mana gram. Lord Shiva's abode is at the Mountain Kailash near the celebrated Manasowar situated within Himalayas. There is a mountain named Manathar nearby.

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